Eline Freeze

Eline Freeze is a technician at OrganoVIR Labs, at the Amsterdam Medical Center (Amsterdam UMC) location Academic Medical Center (AMC). She is from the Netherlands and studied Bio-informatics at the University of Applied Science in Leiden. After this, she started a master in Biology for which she has done a thesis in Organ-on-Chip technology. The main purpose of her research was to create a 3D vascular bed on a microfluidic plate to determine its reaction to biomaterial used for prosthetics.

During her research, Eline will be supervised by Dr. Katja Wolthers and Dr. Dasja Pajkrt.


Amsterdam University Medical Center

Amsterdam University Medical Centers (Amsterdam UMC) is one of the foremost research institutions in the Netherlands and one of its largest hospitals, with 1500 staff members employed in medical research. The Amsterdam UMC research is organized in 7 themes within the AMC Research Institute, where AMC Principal Investigators (PIs) are appointed to develop their own research lines. The AMC Graduate School organizes doctorate level academic training of AMC PhD students (209 PhD rewarded in 2016). This concentration of expertise makes the center a breeding ground for fruitful scientific collaborations.