Upcoming: Leanne Helgers PhD Defense

On Wednesday, 20th of September 2023, Leanne Helgers will be defending her thesis “The role of Langerhans cells and dendritic cells in viral dissemination: infection and transmission”.


The co-promotors are Dr. Carla Ribeiro and Dr. Adithya Sridhar. Through collaboration between OrganoVIR Labs and the department of Experimental Immunology at Amsterdam UMC, Leanne studied how EV-A71 spreads in the human body. This collaboration resulted in the following publication: 

Defense and reception

Leanne’s defense will take place at the Agnietenkapel (Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, 1012 EZ Amsterdam) at 13:00. Please be present no later than fifteen minutes in
advance. The chapel will be open half an hour in advance. After the defense, guests are welcome to congratulate Leanne in the reception area of the Agnietenkapel.


You can also join Leanne’s defense online. To do so, click here: